support the podcast

WOW! Thank you so much. podcasts, like this one, can only exist with support from listeners, like you. The #1 way to support the podcast is to share it with someone you know!!

You can also: leave a review on Apple Podcasts or on your favorite podcast app, subscribe on those apps, and tune in every week!

There are also ~monetary~ ways you can support the podcast, check them out below:

show off your love for the podcast:


Patreon is a platform that allows creators to connect with their most passionate fans (That’s you). For $1, $3, $5, or $10 per month, you can help support the podcast!



ISAAC BISLA, Briana Williams

What your support contributes to:

Uploading & hosting the podcast on all major platforms, Better social media content & engagement, transcripts & TRANSCRIPT EDITING, Website

What your support will contribute to in the future:

podcast editor/sound mixer, Payments/gifts for guests, Monthly donations to causes we care about

In return for your support, you will have:

elana’s undying love, podcast and social media shout outs, stickers, Mugs, and More!


Affiliates are partnerships that the podcast has with other brands. These are offered to dear grad student listeners as ways to either make life easier, increase access to something important, or for self-care and enjoyment.

DISCLAIMER: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you.


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